Thursday, June 19, 2014

Workin' On A New Linky!

Special thanks to Kim and Megan at KinderGals for providing the Workin' On It! Wednesday link-up. They don't know it, but I've been following them for a long time and appreciate all they do.

Now I finally have something worthy of posting to their link-up.  I've been working on hosting a new linky party. Funny Kid Friday comes out tomorrow! It's a linky to let teachers share their funny kid stories. Hearing what those kiddos come out with is a joyful perk of our job. Of course, the stories we hear are not only funny. Kids always speak from the heart, and sometimes there is lots for us to learn when we stop and ponder their unique perspectives.

So I'm trying my hand at a link-up to give teachers a place to share their stories, and to hear stories from others. I know I need inspiration sometimes and I'm betting I'll find some here. We often do not write down what kids say, though we should. Kids have as much commentary on life as we do, and we all benefit by hearing it.

Won't you join me?  Come on, you know you've got some stories in mind right now :) Check out the link-up tomorrow.

I'll be looking forward to your tale!

Now click on the Workin' On It! icon up there and head on back to see what everybody else is up to.

The post Workin' On A New Linky! first appeared on

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