Saturday, June 4, 2016

Grin, Win, and Three More on Friday

Yes, this is a Saturday post, but that is okay. Some of you will be happy I posted no matter the day because you get to be the last people to slip into the HUE Animation Studio Giveaway....

Thanks to Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for her always great Five for Friday linky!

1.  It's been a while, so here's a quick one.

Student A:  I'm in love with my mom and dad.
Student B:  (in smart alec voice): Are you going to marry them?
Student A: hmmm.... no, they're already married.... but I can still be in love with them.

Sweetness all the way.

2.  Isn't this the CUTEST bracelet for a teacher! Especially a kindergarten teacher. Love.

Yes, Mischief Managed comes from Harry Potter– it's part of the spell that makes the Marauders' Map work. However I say, managing mischief is what I do all day! hee I got it from Etsy. I'm not going to recommend this actual one, though. The silver is too thin and soft and it warps out of shape really easily. I'm not so sure how long it is going to last. I think it is a great idea, but you might want to look for a sturdier rendition.

3.  Nothing like having writing workshop at the bus stop! What better time to record a small moment from a field trip than when you're still on it.

4. Regular readers know I'm into little monsters. I thought this art project was especially good.

The teeth stick out of it's mouth because the mouth is a separate piece made like this– Draw the oval. Draw the rectangles. Color the oval red. Cut the whole thing out on the outer edge. Glue down the oval and fold down the rectangles.

Simple, brilliant, 3D teeth! These monsters must be in kindergarten because their toothy smiles are a lot like the ones I look at all day, with wiggly teeth just about ready to fall out. grin. You can see the post on Krokatak HERE.

5.  Last but not least... QUICK enter to win a HUE Animation Studio!!! Don't know what a HUE Animation Studio is? Well, it allowed my students and I to make these animated movies.

I posted about the projects HERE

And I have a free downloadable tip sheet available HERE

Follow, enter, and WIN! You can follow my blogging buddy Stephanie at Forever in Fifth Grade for another chance to. But HURRY. Only one more day!


Now click on back to Doodle Bugs learning and see what others have going on in life.

See you around! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. LOVE the writing workshop picture! And you know I'm a sucker for funny kid stories! Have a great weekend :)

  2. That bracelet is awesome!! That would be great for me as well! I just love those little monsters and thanks for tutorial on how do the teeth! I will have to try that one!! I hope your week goes well!! Linda's Learning Loot

    1. Thanks, Linda. Glad you found good stuff. Hope your first week out goes well, too! Two more weeks for me! Kathleen
