Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Currently June... and I Should Be Doing Something Else...

Okay, in case anyone is interested... you can have a glimpse into my warped personality. I have NINETY MILLION things I should be doing... That's approximately eighty million more things than usual. I AM in the last days of school after all. But what am I DOING??? Choosing to post instead. My favorite form of procrastination is to find OTHER work to do! It doesn't help that so many of the bloggers I stalk are posting neat Currently posts, and that most of them seem to be out of school... sigh.

So here goes... Hugs and Kisses to Farley for her June Currently Link-Up. This is only the second time I've done this, so I am one step better at powerpoint... nothing like stretching the old techie talents.

Currently Listening...  It is a sunny evening her in old Michigan, and a pleasant 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Basically a perfect evening NOW, after a gloomy, gray, and rainy day which caused our penpals from my best teacher friend's class at a nearby school from visiting, which made me very grumpy. We're going to try Skyping next week... hmm. I am sitting with the deck door open and thinking I should be singing my own bedtime song.

Currently Loving...  Only six and a half days left of teaching... or as my school colleagues are fond of saying, only seven more wake-ups.  I say "days left of teaching" because there will still be PLENTY of work to do in the classroom after the last bus pulls away. Kindergarten is "stuff intense" as my husband says, and it takes a while to pack it all up for the summer.

Currently Thinking...  My report cards are almost done... they have been "almost done" for days now. My brain is on overload with all the info coming in and going into those reports. Comments are about the only thing left, but they take the longest.

Currently Wanting...  Really... how much longer can I make these reports take... procrastination has become my middle name.

Currently Needing...  Oh. Summer. I. do. LOVE. thee.  The time of relaxation, rejuvenation, and reading– the 3 Rs for teachers. Teaching is such an intense, going, going, going kind of profession. Sometimes it's truly 24/7 as I wake in the night with inspiration (or anxiety) about something that I simply must do for school. If it weren't for summer, I would never get to be the well rounded human I want to be.

Current Summer Bucket List (which will definitely get longer...)  When summer DOES come, oh, so much new stuff to be busy over. Many people don't know, but I'm a closet children's writer.  I have several manuscripts– a couple for picture books and one for a middle grade chapter book. All have been in stall mode for a while, but something recently came up which I think is going to kick-start the old creative juices again. I'll keep you posted.

Yes, I am SO overdue for regular exercise. The dog will love me, and the doctor too, when I again start my days with crack of dawn walks. Wonder if last summer's screech owl family will be around...

Samuelina is doing an internship at Boeing in Seattle and I'm GOING.  It will be so good to see that daughter of mine.  She's only been out there for four weeks but I do miss her. And by the time I go it will be eight weeks. Thank goodness for the miracle of Skype.  On the way to Washington I'm looping through Colorado to visit the bros and their families. This trip is WAY overdue.

My office, the laundry room, the pantry, the garage.  Pick any spot in the house and it needs my best organization skills. sigh. Every summer. sigh. HOW does it GET that way...

And it wouldn't be summer if I didn't do some craftsy DIY projects. Have plans for a mermaid collage for the bathroom and some garden signs... we'll see what magic happens when I pick up a paint brush.

Well, I guess I have procrastinated all I can for this evening. Still time to work on the report comments. I do love those little kidpeople but it will be good to wrap up the year and think about something else... for at least a while.

Now just click Farley's icon to find more great Currently posts. Fun!

The post Currently June... And I Should Be Doing Something Else... first appeared on


  1. Manuscripts?! That's awesome! I wrote a children's book a few years back as well but could not find an illustrator.
    I love your blog design! Enjoy your last few days of school!

  2. If you find a publisher, they'll find the illustrator. They sometimes will pair up husband/wife teams, but usually they want say over who does the pictures. Good luck to you. Thanks for comments. :)

  3. Kathleen you look familiar to me....I too have written a children's book but of course no publishing:( It's a hard and depressing journey lol. Good luck with your 6.5 more days. We've been out two weeks now, but of course will be back in the middle of August! Have a great summer!

    1. Thanks, Tammy. I have done a fair amount of public speaking in my life, though not too recently. Maybe that's it. I'll visit your blog and email you. Or... I just have one of those faces that looks like everybody's... hopefully you don't mean just the cartoon me! :)

  4. Thanks for visiting Hedgehog Reader, Kathleen! I'm following you now, too, and I really enjoyed your Currently. I can't wait to read more about your children's book projects! Good luck wrapping up your school year so that you can fully enjoy your summer! :o)

    1. Thanks, Pamela. I love the name of your blog! I love those little critters!

  5. I blogged about you today Katie! I hope it sends some followers your way!

  6. Thanks so much, Tammy! What a nice thing it was to find after a busy Friday! I look forward to your post later about Paige's things.

  7. Hello! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!

    You are so right- teaching is such an intense profession (if you are passionate about what you do!), and summer is absolutely necessary. I love that I never really had to deviate from my "routine" of summers, spring breaks, and Christmas breaks. (:

    Hope you are having a fantastic last day of school, and your packing doesn't take too long! ;)


  8. Great! BTW, love the name of your blog :)
