Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What's In Your Writing Center?

I'm linking up with Christina from Sugar and Spice for her Wordless Wednesday.  Here's my photo:
Enhanced Vision?
One of my regular free choice stations is Writing Center.  I load it was LOTS of stuff: all sorts of pens, rolls of tape and masking tape, paper of every sort/shape/color/purpose (raid the recycle bin by your school paper cutter), paper punches, glue sticks, rubber stamps, stencils, word banks, adding machine tape, specialty crayons, date stamps, stickers and stick-on anything, empty paper rolls, message pads (love the carbon), specialty scissors, string, scrap construction paper and tag board, paperclips... I NEVER know what they are going to come up with next! And they do actually WRITE quite a bit :)

What do you keep in your Writing Center?

The post What's in Your Writing Center? first appeared on

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